If you are a student, you can select a new topic to begin from your Dashboard. Topics will appear in your Dashboard after you have completed the Learning Dojo (introductory topic).
Use the right arrow to scroll through all the available topics:
Please note that you can only complete one topic at a time. If you have already started a topic, you will need to complete it or cancel it before you can begin a new one.
You can cancel a topic that you have started by clicking on the "Cancel topic >" link in your Dashboard in the card related to the topic. Please note that by cancelling a topic, all progress for that topic will be lost.
Completing a topic includes earning the required number of XP in the relevant Dialogue Space (usually 30 XP). You will also need to complete the topic’s Progress Tracker before you can begin a new topic. You can follow your progression towards completing a topic by looking at the bar underneath that topic: