To download these guidelines, click here.
Thank you for actively engaging in Generation Global video conferences and championing intercultural dialogue within your schools and learning community. The experiences of your students, as well as your own, serve as an inspiration for fellow educators and schools to join this transformative journey.
Here are some ideas to effectively communicate your schools and students video conference experiences on social media and other platforms.
1. Video Testimonials from Students
Students can share their thoughts or reflections after a video conference by recording short video testimonials. Ensure that the content is positive, highlights key learnings, showcases the impact on students, and always ensure that the student has given you their consent to share their testimonial on social media before you do so.
Here are some prompts to get them started:
- Something I found particularly interesting about the dialogue video conference was...
- Today I during the dialogue video conference, I learned...
- Something that really stands out about the dialogue video conference...
- One of the keywords I learned in the dialogue video conference is...
- One thing from today’s dialogue video conference that really made me think was...
2. Written experiences from Students
Request written testimonials from students reflecting on the skills they learnt from the video conference and what they enjoyed the most. You can share this along with their photo to make it more visual and impactful. Prioritise consent - ensure you have your students' permission before sharing their photos and testimonials.
3. Behind-the-Scenes
Capture a glimpse behind the scenes. Showcase the preparation process in the classroom, photos of student work, any materials used, and/or anything written on black board, pictures of bulletin boards, setting up for video conferences, or any interesting activities. Feel free to narrate the process in your own words, adding your personal touch. You can capture these moments through both videos and photos. Always ask for your students' consent before sharing videos and testimonials.
4. Video Conference Booking Page Screenshot
Capture a screenshot of the video conference booking page while you are booking your session. You can use this image to illustrate the various countries your students have interacted with during the dialogue.
5. Engage Parents in the Generation Global Experience
When interacting with parents, explore the opportunity to create a short video capturing their perspectives on the positive transformations they have noticed in their children through the Generation Global programme. Encourage them to share any anecdotes their child may have shared at home and obtain permission from them before sharing their testimonials online.
6. Share and Celebrate Certificates from Generation Global
Celebrate your students' achievements by showcasing the certificates they have earned on the Generation Global student platform. Share their success on social media or consider printing them, taking photos, and displaying them on the class bulletin board.
Request consent for any mentions of names, as the certificate will include the individual's name.
Some Guidelines to Consider:
The key is to capture these experiences and testimonials in an authentic manner, illustrating how you're actively connecting your students to the global community. Refer to the following list of Do’s and Don’ts for guidance.
Do’s | Don’ts |
Get consent - make sure to ask for your students' permission before sharing their videos and testimonials. Let them know where they are being shared online, and how to ask for them to be removed. | Do not share personal details or sensitive information about students involved in the video conference. |
Share positive outcomes and experiences from the video conference | Do not capture or share images of students, along with their personal details, from other countries or schools who took part in the conference. |
Emphasise the educational aspects and the skills students gained through the dialogue. See Essentials of Dialogue for more information. |
Avoid using inappropriate language or sharing content that may reflect poorly on the school or the Generation Global programme. |
Tag us on Instagram using @gen_global and on X using @Gen_Global_
Also, use official Generation Global hashtags to connect with the broader community and facilitate broader discussions. #GenerationGlobal #InterculturalDialogue |
Avoid engaging in controversial or sensitive topics that could lead to discomfort or conflicts through the testimonial. |
Ensure that any content shared adheres to the school's safeguarding policies and does not compromise the security of students. | Do not share posts that could be culturally insensitive, or risk offending participants from different backgrounds or cultures. |
Stay safe online! Be mindful of your privacy and use social media safety measures if you have any concerns. Important Note: Please know that you are responsible for any content you share online. |
Sample Post
- Our students had the most engaging experience in a Generation Global Video Conference on [topic/date] with students from [countries]. Witnessing the power of global dialogue in shaping young minds is incredible. Huge thanks to #GenerationGlobal for giving us a platform that not only equips our students with future-ready skills but also weaves connections beyond borders! #GenerationGlobal #InterculturalDialogue
- Today was a blast! Our students dived into a Generation Global Video Conference on [topic], connecting with peers from [countries]. During this 60-minute virtual dialogue, our students showcased their skills in... [insert the skills you witnessed]... and learned about... [insert your own experience]... #GenerationGlobal #InterculturalDialogue
Sentence Starters
- Proud of our students who actively participated in a Generation Global Video Conference, sharing ………………………………
- Our students recently had a global experience in a Generation Global Video Conference on ……….., where they learned about............
- Today's adventure: Our students joined peers in a Generation Global Video Conference on ………………, engaging in dialogue and learning about ………………………
Note: Based on the nature of content you are posting, please adapt or craft your own versions of the post copy.